Spring Cleaning the Kitchen

Step-by-Step Guide to a Spotless Kitchen

More than just washing curtains and airing linens, spring cleaning can be done any time of year. In case to review a house’s contents and create an opportunity for decluttering.

Kitchens are high-traffic areas and require regular cleaning to maintain hygienic food preparation surfaces. Begin a kitchen spring clean by completing daily and weekly jobs such as washing up and wiping down counters. Remove everything from the countertops to maximize clear space for sorting.

Cleaning the pantry

  • Remove all items and place them on countertops.
  • Wipe over canisters and containers.
  • Check use-by dates on all food products.
  • Write a list of staples and useful pantry basics that needs restocking.
  • Use plastic shelf liners to protect against staining – (sheets of lino work well)

Clean out the Fridge

Clean refrigerators weekly or fortnightly to prevent contamination. Develop the habit of clearing out the fridge before replenishing groceries each week.

  • Place perishables in a cooler or a Styrofoam box full of ice.
  • Clear out all food items and wash shelves with warm soapy water.
  • Remove crisper drawers and other removable storage sections and wash well.
  • After drying with a paper towel, wipe over shelves, walls, and seals with vanilla essence to eliminate fridge odors.
  • Check use-by dates on all products before replacing them.

How To Clean Fridge?

Oven and Cooktop

Commercial oven cleaners are extremely caustic. They are particularly effective if you use an oven as often but are rarely cleaned. Follow the directions on the can very carefully, and always use gloves. Ensure that the area is well-ventilated.

For a more gentle clean, apply a thick coating of baking powder to all surfaces of a warm oven. Allow standing for 15 minutes to absorb grease. Then wipe away with a paper towel. Stubborn stains may require scouring. Wipe over with a cloth soaked in white vinegar.

Ceramic electric cooktops may require specialized cleaning products. Check the manufacturer’s guide for details. Stainless steel cooktops can be wiped over with a commercial cream cleanser. Baking soda is a good natural alternative.

Ceilings, Walls, and Fans

Kitchen walls and ceilings are prone to discoloring due to steam and grease spatters. Sugar soap is excellent for cleaning walls without damaging the paintwork. Exhaust fans and range hoods can be wiped over with removable parts washed with hot soapy water.

Kitchen Appliances

Cleaning kitchen appliances will help increase their lifespan and keep them safe for use.

  • Remove appliances from cupboards and wipe over to remove dust and grease build-up.
  • Attache all parts and check their functioning. Sort removable attachments in plastic containers. Store them alongside the appliance to which they belong.
  • Empty the crumb tray from the toaster.
  • Clean kettle limescale by cutting a lemon into wedges and boiling them twice before removing.

Windows, Curtains, and Blinds

  • Remove curtains and hand or machine wash.
  • Wipe over blinds with a damp cloth. Clean and check mechanism.
  • Wash windows with a commercial window cleaning product or vinegar, and dry with the newspaper.

Cabinets and Drawers

  • Remove the contents of kitchen cabinets and utensil drawers. Wipe shelves and drawers with hot soapy water.
  • Line drawers with wrapping paper or drawer liners. Alternately plastic or lino is long-lasting and easy to clean.
  • Declutter by sorting through dishes, cutlery, and utensils. Only replace those which are used often. Excess items you can sell or donate.

Kitchen spring cleaning is an excellent opportunity to review regular cleaning schedules. Create a checklist of routine jobs to always keep the food preparation and storage areas hygienically clean.

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